The Need
The building was designed as a departures terminal adjacent to the existing operative complex at Ovda airport, following the airport’s expansion plan.
The Vision
Upgrading the travel experience for passengers arriving at the terminal and replacing the existing complex, which was housed in a temporary building, with an iconic structure that will act as the airport’s symbol.

The Design
The interior was designed as a one big open space, covered with a steel truss and a light roof above. The truss technology allows roofing a large area as an uninterrupted open space.
Several infrastructural systems (lighting, electricity and air conditioning) are visible, accessible, and hang from the truss poles thus accentuating the main axis.
The main entrance is recognizable by a large, eye-shaped window element, which opens to the sky and horizon, illuminating the space with ample natural lighting. The focus of the space is the service counter, located in the center, overlooking and supervising all other areas of the terminal.
The design uses elements from aerial transportation: small round windows, specific colors and light materials.